New analysis calculates that diluting the Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate could see millions of drivers miss out on fuel savings of £1,600 a year
New analysis in wake of latest energy price hike suggests that by this autumn high prices would have cost households £3,000 since the start of the 'gas crisis'
New report from CBI Economics and The Data City reveals businesses focused on the net zero transition are growing much faster than the wider economy
Data shows the UK's net zero economy continues to far outpace the wider economy, fuelling calls for further policy clarity and support for green investment
Analysis shows UK has spent over £90bn more on wholesale gas over the past four years than it would have prior to the crisis, underscoring the huge on-going costs associated with fossil fuel reliance
Over 180,000 used EVs were sold last year, as concerns over the cost and range of second hand battery vehicles start to ease
Emissions from agriculture exceed those from power generation for the first time, as data shows emissions are now at lowest level since the 1870s
New analysis from ECIU suggests petrol price hikes could add extra £420m to the annual fuel bill for the UK's 18.7 million petrol cars
New analysis finds media opinion formers are less likely to publicly question climate science than they were a decade ago, but attacks on climate action has intensified
New petrol cars bought in 2024 could cost owners an extra £500 a year to run compared to equivalent EVs, think tank claims