European Commission refuses to put pollution and waste policies back on the table this year, despite majority of MEPs voting for them
EXCLUSIVE: Influential industry group mulls response to proposed emission trading scheme reforms as some members call for bolder action
Lib Dem group seeks cross-party support to reject Juncker's plan to shelve work on key environmental policies
The Baltic State takes up an EU Presidency where the in-tray is bulging with environmental issues
Ecodesign and energy labelling set to deliver massive environmental and economic benefits
European Commission insists revised circular economy and pollution plans will be more ambitious than those on the table
Dan Rogerson accused of 'weasel words', after he fails to demand air quality and circular economy packages are retained
Leaked document show Commission President wants to 'clear decks' so time and energy can be invested in proposals that will have biggest impact on jobs and growth
Businesses and NGOs unite in call for Environment Secretary Liz Truss to persuade EU Commission to retain circular economy package
Coalition of civil society groups voices opposition to industry lobby group's 'worrying deregulatory tendency'