European Ombudsman calls on EU to update its conflict of interest guidelines for procurement contracts following its decision to hire a business division of world's leading fossil fuel financier to develop ESG banking regulation study
EU-funded New Cotton Project aims to collect, sort, and regenerate old clothing into new items for sale on the high street
From the UK and EU to China and Japan, even those major economies that are committed to net zero emissions remain far from delivering the green recovery measures required to rapidly accelerate decarbonisation efforts
Maria Mendiluce and Eliot Whittington warn it would be an 'act of economic suicide' were Europe to fail to seize the opportunity offered by a green recovery
Nikkei news agency reports that major speech expected next week that will see Japan match the EU in formally setting an economy-wide net zero target
Department for Transport publishes responses to consultations on how to regulate emissions standards for cars, vans, and lorries from January
Reports may have suggested that the UK and EU have reached agreement on incorporating the Paris Agreement into any trade deal, but with just 12 weeks to go until the Brexit transition period ends huge uncertainties and risks remain for the green economy...
With companies set to become increasingly responsible for the carbon footprints of their value chains, they must be proactive in measuring and mitigating their CO2, write Boston Consulting Group's Bas Sudmeijer and Tim Figures
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen touts 55 per cent emissions reduction goal for 2030 and expanded the EU Emissions Trading Scheme in inaugural State of the Union address
Call to adopt targets proposed in last year's Green New Deal plan made in an open letter signed by the more than 150 business leaders