Energy for Humanity's Kirsty Gogan argues President Macron is right to abandon the battle against nuclear in favour of the bigger battle against climate change
French president questions German decision to phase out nuclear power post-Fukushima
Global agreement struck last night will see new Observatory established to improve long-term sustainability and accessibility of climate data captured by scientists
BusinessGreen keeps you up-to-date with all the latest announcements and reaction as it happens from the climate summit in Paris
Top politicians and green business heavyweights are expected to attend climate summit convened by French President
French premier pledges to plug US gap in IPCC funding, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers 'common message' in support of Paris Agreement
EY said its latest rankings underline importance of government policy in driving clean energy development globally
Multibillion Euro plan to back energy efficiency measures, renewables and cleaner vehicles
Michael Bloomberg launches 'America's Pledge' on climate change as California Governor Jerry Brown sets out plan to strengthen California's carbon trading rules and cut air pollution
Conseil d'État, France's highest legal authority, orders French government to produce a plan to clean up nation's air by March 31 2018