Friends of the Earth's Craig Bennett reflects on the implications of last week's inspiring marches
Friends of the Earth launches new competition offering schools the opportunity to wind a solar array
Friends of the Earth compiles rankings of the sunniest Cabinet Ministers - and it's not good news for Ed Davey
Have you ever wondered why the Treasury doesn't appear to give much of a hoot about climate change? Check the small print for the answers
Friends of the Earth warns that biodiversity offsetting could undermine the value of nature
Friends of the Earth report aims to highlight gaps in regulations around shale gas extraction
Ahead of the IPCC's report on Sunday, David Powell of Friends of the Earth argues we cannot solely rely on economic models to provide the case for climate action
Donna Hume questions David Cameron's claims that shale gas offers Europe a chance to reduce its dependence on oil and gas imports from Russia
Friends of the Earth ventures to the Isle of Man and finds a community boasting huge clean energy potential and worrying fossil fuel lock-in
Brussels launches "preliminary investigation" into £75m loan deal following Friends of the Earth complaint