SSE flexible generation and energy storage arm brings Europe’s latest gas-fired power station on stream at its site in the Humber
New analysis from ECIU argues Britain's gas reliance means soaring wholesale gas prices have cost around £1,000 for every adult in the UK
Newly launched Global Cooksafe Coalition sets sights on phasing out gas cookers in new kitchens by 2030
New analysis warns national climate targets for 2030 point to dangerous warming of 2.4C, as rush for LNG capacity risks further undermining chances of meeting goals of Paris Agreement
Energy Networks Association takes stock of Britain's hydrogen blending prospects in fresh research, which argues significant emissions savings are feasible
Carbon Tracker analysis warns soaring gas process could leave projects that produce hydrogen from fossil gas stranded
BP, Shell, Total Energies, and Equinor were all found to be investing the vast majority of their profits back into fossil fuel projects
New analysis from Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit warns of massive bill hikes for poorly insulated homes when fuel price cap rises this winter
Analysis from think tank Ember reveals skyrocketing prices are driven almost entirely by reliance on fossil fuel gas
Latest projections show global energy investment set to rise eight per cent this year, driven by surging investment in clean energy infrastructure