Record ocean warming contributes to highest sea-levels since records began
Chance of exceptionally warm year is 13 times more likely due to human impact on climate change, study suggests
New Reuters analysis shows world's largest companies saw 3.1 per cent increase in emissions from 2010 to 2013
Humans may have to shrink to the size of a Hobbit in order to survive a warming world
New documentary brings James Balog's time lapse images of melting glaciers to a wider audience
From Warren Buffett's wind farms to stirring up climate sceptics, BusinessGreen runs down the best of the week's news and analysis
US contributes $12m to new UN project to cut substances that accelerate climate change and damage health
Low cost options to reduce particles could save lives, protect crops, and limit global temperature rise, report says
Report warns major cities in emerging economies will have to cope with soaring climate risks
Independent study echoes previous studies in finding the world's average land temperature has risen 1˚C since the 1950s