Greener UK says key areas at 'high risk', IEMA warns proposed framework has so many holes it looks 'like a colander', and one of the architects of the Climate Change Act calls for a fundamental re-think
UK will uphold environmental standards and press ahead with clean growth, Prime Minister declares during Brexit speech at an offshore wind factory
Greg Clark sketches out latest green governance thinking, but questions remain over what the UK's environmental policy framework will look like next month
Robert Goodwill enjoys baptism of fire as new report highlights US trade deal fears and campaigners warn post-Brexit environmental governance plans are still not up to scratch
Make UK's Roz Bulleid warns complex regulatory changes on everything from chemicals to emissions trading could be rushed through as the Brexit deadline looms
Leave-supporting minister steps down over PM's decision to allow Parliament a vote on delaying Brexit
Energy and Clean Growth Minister reveals plans are underway to link a domestic carbon market to the EU's emissions trading scheme from 2021
Cross party group of MPs seek vote on wide-ranging amendment demanding government to make good on Green Brexit promises
The UK's external trade arrangements after Brexit must be such that they secure the UK's environmental standards and allow them to tighten over time argues Nick Molho at the Aldersgate Group
Business Secretary expresses 'frustration' at Honda's decision to close Swindon car plant, as Corbyn touts Labour plans for 'large-scale' green investment