Government launches consultation on plans to implement EU Medium Combustion Plant Directive into UK law by December 2017
Nation Electric project to trial prototype smart charging units across UK to better understand impact of EVs on local power grids
Industry concern after confidential impact assessment models scenarios for paring back the 'priority dispatch' system for clean energy
Energy Technologies Institute calls for clear decisions to be made soon over upgrading networks to support a clean energy transition
Watchdog proposes trimming payments to new link as developers confirm fall in construction costs
Deals worth millions of pounds to help keep UK's lights on over 15-year period spark anger among environmental groups
Britain set for a 6.6 per cent capacity margin this winter after National Grid secured 3.5GW of backup services
Largescale switch to LEDs could put large dent in peak electricity demand, says campaign group
New cross-industry initiative aims to help ensure rapid expansion of electric vehicle market is not forced into slow lane by grid constraints
New technology is a significant step towards the creation of virtual power stations that would enable smarter electricity use by homes and businesses