CEO of the Committee on Climate Change ponders 1.5C targets, Whitehall governance, and how capitalism can operate in a zero carbon future
Isles of Scilly to become a global test-bed for solar, batteries, smart heating, electric vehicle V2G, and grid flexibility services
Competition and Markets Authority study concludes heat networks offer good value for many customers, but also highlights several areas of concern
Utility launches suite of domestic energy products to boost home energy flexibility
Heat Networks Investment Project will offer loans and grants to help boost the uptake of low carbon heating networks
Energy industry trade body report calls for zero carbon homes policies, review of the RHI and support for wider range of low carbon heating technologies
'We will not be heating our buildings in 2050 by setting fire to the same substances that people burned in the Victorian era' government predicts
UK grid operator sets out long term vision for use of gas to decarbonise heat, transport and industry over the long term
Government does not have reliable estimate of overpayments to RHI participants, warns watchdog
Funding earmarked for green heating, clean energy, and low emission vehicle infrastructure projects