Since May 2018 the retailer has collected more than one million plastic bottles from five stores, with 96 per cent of shoppers supporting a nationwide roll out of the deposit return scheme
Food retailer to offer 'extra-strong' paper bags for 15p each at Hackney store, while stores elsewhere will offer both plastic and paper options
John Lewis, Waitrose, Arup and Coca-Cola among firms urging the government to follow Committee on Climate Change advice
Luxury retailer's own-brand products are now completely free of palm oil
The 'double-edged sword' of transparency looms large in Datuk Darrel Webber's job as chief of sustainable palm oil body RSPO - can he deliver progress fast enough to outpace a growing consumer backlash?
But Iceland MD Richard Walker argues RSPO approach is 'failing to prevent deforestation' and accuses industry of 'smear campaign' against the retailer
Retailer launches latest trial as it aims to eradicate plastic from its own brand products by 2023
Retailer also extends trial of deposit return scheme for another six months at four stores in England, Wales, and Scotland
Reverse vending machine trial attracts 'significant' consumer take-up, retailer reports
Retailer steps up deforestation campaign after its Christmas advert was deemed too political for TV