EU Parliament calls on Member States to step up ambition on climate change ahead of upcoming UN COP24 summit in Poland
AECOM's Robert Spencer believes collaborative action will be crucial to keeping climate action on track over the next 12 months
Former Labour MEP and chief executive of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) explains the importance of effective corporate reporting in tackling climate change
Focus moves to 'professionalising' NDC implementation as COP22 looks to accelerate on-the-ground action
Diplomats caught by surprise as climate treaty enters force within months of being agreed
As the Paris Agreement formally enters into force today BusinessGreen recaps the essential features of the treaty - and why businesses should care
PwC's latest Low Carbon Economy Index shows UK and China stepping up decarbonisation efforts, but ambition still needs increasing to deliver on Paris Agreement goals
Modi's government deposits instrument of ratification for global climate treaty to the UN on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi
Two degrees target will "inevitably" mean tighter restrictions on oil and natural gas, Chatham House paper argues
Solar Energy Standardisation Initiative aims to harmonise solar contracts and procedures to entice more private investment into fast-expanding global market