Successful trial could provide evidence that accelerates UK's transition to net zero, according to project developers
ExxonMobil, SGN, and Green Investment Group are exploring the potential for a major new hydrogen production and carbon capture facility on the south coast
New analysis suggests UK industry could require 10TWh of green hydrogen by 2030, rising to nearly 40TWh by 2050
The UN has set out challenging pathways for decarbonising steel, cement, chemicals, plastics, fashion and more - and they require urgent action in the 2020s
But researchers predict that a 'tipping point' of technically viable, economically attractive solutions to decarbonise industrial and materials sectors is approaching
Experiments to test the applicability of carbon-capture technology for glass manufacturing will be conducted by British firms C-Capture and Pilkington
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is considering whether to call in for review Cumbria Council's controversial approval for new coal mine
The mine will be operated by West Cumbria Mining and is expected to extract 2.4 million tonnes annually for use in industry, causing consternation among climate campaigners
Trade Unions Congress estimates 1.24 million jobs could be generated within two years across the UK through £85bn clean infrastructure investment