Latest figures on slow Green Deal take up released as British Gas calls on government to reform ECO scheme
Efficiency-minded investors could make huge amounts of low-cost capital available to tackle climate change
New government figures show 81 per cent of homes installing energy efficiency measures after assessment, despite low uptake of finance packages
Green New Deal campaign group says £50bn should be spent on technology, cheap housing and insulating homes
Thomas Heldgaard, managing director of Rockwool UK, reveals his plan to boost demand for the company's innovative insulation
John Alker of the UK Green Building Council says government must now look for ways of nudging or forcing homeowners to retrofit
Angela Knight presents government with list of measures to boost success of the coalition's flagship energy efficiency policies
As the government today prepares to unveil its first Green Deal figures, BusinessGreen Plus looks at some of proposals for strengthening the scheme
Study finds improving the energy efficiency of your home through Green Deal scheme could substantially improve its value
Cornwall-based insulation and renewable energy company calls in administrators after warning about slump in energy efficiency market