Major meeting of energy ministers in Denmark aims to spotlight need for policies that can slash energy use in response to climate and energy crises
International Energy Agency argues UK, USA and EU and others have the 'economic heft, technology leadership and international alliances' to pioneer the development of low carbon industrial hubs
Energy body predicts another bumper year for renewables this year, but warns policies introduced in next six months will determine whether momentum can be maintained beyond 2022
IEA endorses emergency plan which includes demands for more ambitious energy efficiency programmes and windfall taxes on oil and gas giants
Climate Action 100+ investor group pledges to step up its engagement activity during this year's proxy season in a bid to encourage firms to beef up their currently inadequate climate strategies
Group calculates global oil demand could be reduce by 2.7 million barrels a day if string of 10 emergency measures were introduced
Latest figures are evidence world has failed to deliver sustainable economic recovery from Covid-19, agency warns
The new Tyre Extinguishers' group is targetting fuel-hungry vehicles in bid to highlight their outsized contribution to urban air pollution and the climate crisis
Letter to PM argues accelerating shift away from fossil fuels can help curb surging bills and cut fuel poverty