Analysis highlights how net zero transition could impact 10 million jobs in carbon intensive industries
National Grid, E.On, RWE, Scottish Power, EDF and Centrica urged to follow SSE’s lead and publish dedicated strategies setting out how workers and consumers will be protected from any shocks of net zero transition
SSE's chief sustainability officer and member of Scotland's Just Transition Commission, Rachel McEwen, sets out the principles underpinning the firm's Just Transition strategy
The UK must deliver a managed transition for the North Sea oil and gas industry that curbs production but maintains employment opportunities, a new IPPR report argues
Energy company publishes pioneering 'Just Transition Strategy' as it sets out its plans to unleash a major renewables drive over the coming decade
CBI, Make UK, Institute of Directors, the Federation of Small Businesses, and the British Chamber of Commerce call for joined-up approach to decarbonisation that manages impact on high carbon industries
Trade Unions Congress estimates 1.24 million jobs could be generated within two years across the UK through £85bn clean infrastructure investment
Energy utility believed to be first to commit to publishing principles and plans to support a Just Transition
The tech giant is looking to turn the Just Transition concept into a clean energy investment reality
Governments should prepare to pay coal operators to shut down plants and compensate impacted workers and communities, study argues