Report claims growth has stalled owing to regulatory uncertainty over successor to Kyoto
Ministers meeting in Durban reiterate that second commitment period is not up for negotiation
Todd Stern and Connie Hedegaard write off any chance of countries agreeing legally binding emissions targets in December
Entrenched positions on the future of emissions commitments dominate first day of climate negotiations
Ongoing battle to contain radioactive material at Fukushima could see 2020 emissions pledges scaled back
UN confirms Bangkok talks in April on top of already scheduled meetings in Bonn and Durban
UN secretary general will redirect efforts to making more immediate gains in clean energy and sustainable development
Fund will buy offsets from projects in developing nations after first phase of Kyoto expires in 2012
More than 90 countries signal support for proposal to extend the Montreal Protocol to cover HFCs
Setting one global standard for monitoring should give investors certainty beyond 2012, says JISC