Energy secretary admits lack of decarbonisation target is a blow, but insists deal will not hit Treasury - or household bills
Alastair Harper rounds up the main lessons for the green economy from a combative Party Conference season
Energy and Climate Secretary hints at possible compromise over controversial decarbonisation target
You can't vote blue and go green - to make blue go green you have to add yellow
The Lib Dems have come out fighting for the green economy this week,and it could make a big difference to the UK's future
We need to boost investor confidence in all types of generation to solve our energy and economic problems
Director-general insists employers group is not against a binding decarbonisation target in the Energy Bill, as long as key conditions are met
Alastair Harper warns too many conference debates on the green economy are stuck on repeat
Alastair Harper of Green Alliance rounds up the news from the Liberal Democrat party conference in Brighton
Party conference approves motions to set decarbonisation target for power sector and augment Green Investment Bank borrowing powers