The Green Party's Molly Scott Cato argues the EU's environmental protections are anything but 'spirit-crushing'
Reports government has a 'preference' to offload 100 per cent of its stake in the green bank prompts NGOs to call for greater transparency surrounding bidder selection criteria
International Energy Agency report highlights huge role of cities in boosting low carbon energy, buildings and transport innovation
Mobile operator O2 is adapting to changing marketplace by adopting a more circular business model
Australian bank says its Climate Bond issuance commanded a strong response from investors
What does the challenge of building prosperity in an age of environmental limits mean for the business community?
Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity will look at social and economic questions of how to prosper on a finite planet
Latest official green economy data for 2014 has been published by the ONS - BusinessGreen charts the key findings
Office for National Statistics issues first update under new low carbon and renewable energy economy (LCRE) measurement regime
Boosting numbers of pure-electric cars, harnessing the power of the second-hand market, and shifting the market from ownership to access are key to the achieving low-emission travel