Micropower Council blames Treasury for failure to clarify microgeneration policy
Greg Barker launches wide-ranging consultation exercise on how to boost renewable energy uptake
Renewable energy specialist acquires 80-year-old building services outfit in effort to meet booming feed-in tariff demand
New report aims to help developers select the right location for urban wind turbines
E.ON promises to cover the upfront cost for businesses' onsite renewables installations as part of Energy Performance Guarantee service
Shadow energy minister says Conservative government would ensure early adopters receive same level of support under Clean Energy Cash Back scheme as new installations
The government today announced the feed-in tariffs available under its imminent Clean Energy Cashback scheme - here the industry reacts
Experts warn cashback scheme will provide a boost to domestic renewables, but offers "little or no extra incentive" for businesses
Friends of the Earth says solar panels and wind turbines could proliferate if government improves the incentive
Department of Energy & Climate Change insists scheme will launch in April, despite reports final decision on tariffs is now not likely until January