Net zero can help farmers 'build a better, climate smart business' Batters tells BusinessGreen, but major challenges lie ahead
Long awaited proposals for Environmental Land Management scheme announced, as government looks to reward farmers for environmental efforts such as tree planting, flood protection, and wildlife restoration
Committee on Climate Change tells ministers radical change in how land is managed across UK required reach net zero emissions
Defra to table updated Agriculture Bill in Parliament today, promising radical overhaul of 'bureaucratic' EU farming subsidies
Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers issues firm promise UK will not chicken-out of EU food and environmental standards in US trade deal talks
A huge number of food retailers are offering meatless menus, marking the start of a decade of disruption for British food and agriculture
As XR activists block roads into Westminster, Defra fears the UK may also be blocking chances of an EU trade deal by compromising with the US on environmental standards
Transforming Food Production Challenge aimed at technologies and innovations which seek to cut emissions and boost food production
Latest report from Commonwealth think tank argues subsidy reforms and carbon taxes could see a quarter of UK land returned to nature
Farming trade body sets out aims for habitat restoration, energy crops, meat productivity and government policy support