But long-term targets on water quality, air pollution, biodiversity, and waste prompt calls for greater ambition from environmental and business groups
Green Alliance celebrates launch of Office for Enviornment Protection, arguing body must be 'proactive and fearless' in enforcing environmental regulations
The Environment Act 2021 provides for the establishment of an independent public body to oversee the government’s environmental actions
Cornerstone of government's post-Brexit green governance legislation on course to become law in the autumn – but concerns remain
Government confirms the Interim Office for Environmental Protection is to be up and running in July, as independent advisors warn Ministers against 'race to the bottom' on food and farming standards
Environment Secretary George Eustice reveals that acting chief regulator at Ofqual is the government's leading candidate to become chair at post-Brexit green watchdog
Key amendments are needed to deliver a world leading environmental regime and an investible proposition for business, argues Nick Molho of the Aldersgate Group
As the government's flagship post-Brexit green legislation makes its way through Parliament, there are a number of ways it must strengthened, argues Ruth Chambers of Green Alliance
BusinessGreen rounds up the crucial green questions and issues which will need resolving before the UK exits the EU at the end of 2020
Flurry of announcements as government confirms plans for Green GB Week, tables Environment Bill, and promises fresh action on transport emissions