Launch date for system designed to make it easier for aggregators to register flexible assets is brought forward by a year to 2027
Average home to see energy bills climb once again to £1,849 a year, as government promises more support for fuel poor households
Experts call for accelerated rollout of energy efficiency measures and renewables to reduce reliance on expensive, risky gas that is anticipated to push up bills in April
BusinessGreen Editor’s Briefing: February 2025
Plans to fast-track the UK's grid connection process for renewables and clean power projects have been unveiled today
Reforms aim to tackle grid connection queue and incentivise developers to advance projects in a timely manner
New survey finds majority of households support net zero - but 71 per cent would only continue to do so if energy bills do not rise further
Views sought on how energy regulator can help accelerate net zero and support households and businesses facing high energy costs
National Grid and ScottishPower join SSE in submitting new grid investment plans, but will the watchdog sign off on 'mission critical' upgrades?
SSE subsidiary submits plans to Ofgem proposing £22bn of investment in support of net zero goals through to 2031