But oil major fails to establish targets for Scope 3 emissions that account for at least 85 per cent of its total emissions output
Poll of nearly 17,000 energy companies, workers and recruiters reveals more than half of oil and gas workers who want to leave industry are eyeing a future career in renewables
Leading oil and gas companies and major investors have published a set of principles oil and gas companies should follow if they want to align with net zero goals - but what constitutes a credible plan?
ClientEarth warns banks that fail to cut ties with firms engaged in oil and gas development face myriad reputational, litigation, and transition-related risks
Carbon Tracker deep-dive into the risks facing oil and gas investments is corroborated by study in Nature that warns overwhelming majority of fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground to cap global temperatures in line with global goals
Scotland's First Minister calls for pre-COP26 Summit between leaders of UK's four nations to discuss how to build a just transition to net zero
Government-backed oil and gas technology hub announces second rebrand in seven months as it redefines its objectives
Letter from 50 campaign groups urges government to heed recent advice of International Energy Agency that growing fossil fuel supply is incompatible with a 1.5C world
Wave of strengthened net zero goals unveiled by fossil firms of late are too limited in scope and rely too heavily on offsets and carbon capture and storage, analysis published by think tank warns
The International Energy Agency has set out a vision for a major transformation of the global economy – here are its top conclusions