Former Energy Minister declares, 'we can not expect other countries to phase out their fossil fuels when at the same time we continue to issue new licences or to open new oil fields'
Dutch financial giant announces plan to triple renewable energy financing by 2025 as it cites COP28 agreements on clean energy and fossil fuels
International Energy Agency predicts global coal demand to fall by 2.6 per cent by 2026, even if governments fail to deliver new policies in support of goals agreed at COP28 Climate Summit
Transition Pathway Initiative Centre's assessment of capital investment plans from more than 130 publicly-listed oil and gas companies finds only a handful are on track to meet net zero goals
With many forecasts signalling declining oil and gas demand by 2030, Carbon Tracker warns petrostates face an $8tr drop in revenues by 2040
Investigations reveal how Saudi Arabia is working on controversial plan to 'hook' developing economies on oil and gas
Producers must decide whether to commit to green investment and climate goals, or continue a high-risk business as usual strategy, IEA warns
But critics claim new tests in Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill will do little to help ensure net zero emission targets are met
BusinessGreen rounds up all the reaction from business leaders, campaigners, and energy and climate experts to the government's new legislative agenda
Speech confirms plans for annual oil and gas licensing rounds, as government also promises action to boost renewables investment, accelerate clean energy grid connections, and deliver new self-driving vehicles