Government's climate assessment process for new oil and gas licensing round to be contested in court
New framework for how asset owners can exert their influence and investment for decarbonisation represents a 'commitment of highest ambition', coalition argues
A new report from Offshore Energies UK argues new oil and gas projects can bolster energy security and be made compatible with net zero goals - but green groups remain utterly unconvinced
Reports suggest Number 10 wants to rebadge much-anticipated 'Green Day' package of decarbonisation policies as 'Energy Security Day' and ensure a lead role for new gas projects
Crown Estate confirms initial leases for 13 offshore wind projects that could deliver over 5GW of capacity to help slash emissions from oil and gas operations
Major new report backed by trade unions and climate groups calls for revamped approach to decarbonising UK fossil fuel industry, including greater role for public ownership
Suit filed by ClientEarth could set a new precedent for climate-related litigation brought by investors against fossil fuel companies
Oil and gas giant slammed over failure to investment more in clean energy after record profits saw it hike dividends and announce share buyback scheme
Both BP and BNEF have confirmed the clean energy transition is accelerating much faster than previously thought - has Putin inadvertently pulled forward the end game for the oil and gas industry?
Oil and gas giant cuts projected global oil and gas demand for 2035 by around five per cent, but warns some continued investment in new fossil fuel projects still required