Guidance aims to make trustee action 'as effective as possible' in 2025
High profile group confirms it is to wrap up after five years of campaigning for more sustainable pensions
Action from pension funds to phase out investments linked to fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use change remains badly 'inadequate', warns the Make My Money Matter campaign
The Asset Owner Statement on Climate Stewardship - led by the People’s Pension, Brunel Pension Partnership and Scottish Widows and others - sets out expectations for the sector on tackling the climate crisis
Insurers, advisers and schemes launch initiative to streamline BPA survey processes
PensionBee launches new Climate Plan to help customers invest in line with the Paris Agreement goals
New advert featuring Benedict Cumberbatch aims to highlight how UK pension funds are investing £300m in companies that fuel forest destruction
Phoenix Group argues looming skills gap could be addressed by helping workers who are over 50 navigate the opportunities offered by green industries
Significant emissions cuts delivered as assets covered by People's Partnership increased by £8bn, update reveals
Master trust making 'good progress' on net zero targets and is on track to achieve goals