Energy and pensions giants team up with GLIL to deliver £400m investment in world's largest offshore wind farm
As the largest group of asset owners, pension funds have real power to slow the flow of private finance channelled into deforestation activities, writes Global Canopy's Niki Mardas
Report from Global Resource Initiative argues an approach to tackling deforestation founded on mandatory climate disclosure and voluntary measures will 'not be sufficient on its own'
Workplace pension provider sets out new goal as it unveils plan to halve emissions before 2025
New survey from Make My Money Matter campaign reveals how corporates with net zero strategies are routinely failing to address emissions associated with their pension schemes
British household names commit to halving emissions in their pension portfolios by 2030
Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association poll finds 74 per cent of schemes have a net zero plan in place, or will do within two years
Government-backed scheme will see a dozen UK pension funds work together to help emerging markets reduce their emissions and adapt to climate change
Trustees able to implement Paris-aligned strategies despite negative short-term risk
Defined benefit superfund is also aiming to align its investments with Paris Agreement pathway by 2025