A Bank Holiday record of 114 consecutive hours without using coal power underlined the UK's progress in quitting its dirtiest fuel, but where next for the fossil fuel phase out?
Government confirms electricity grid clocked up 650 hours of coal-free generation during the first quarter of the year - more than was achieved during the whole of 2017
As coal use drops off, aviation is coming to the fore as bloc's biggest emitter
Rebecca Willis argues the controversial decision to approve a new coal mine in the UK is symptomatic of a wider political failure
County council claims potential for new jobs in the short term 'outweighed concerns about climate change and local amenity'
Government moves forward phase out date as part of new clean energy package
The UK's coal phase out may be proceeding apace, but as Josh Burke argues there remains a gap where 'Just Transition' plans should sit
EDF Energy announces closure of Cottam coal-fired power station in Nottinghamshire, citing 'challenging market conditions', as government survey again highlights renewables popularity
The German coal phase out plan is a curate's egg - in truest sense of the term
Fossil fuels provide nearly 40 per cent of country's power as tensions rise on phaseout timetable