Latest EV fleet order is the largest ever placed in the UK, BT confirms
T&E predicts electric cars to reach between 20 and 24 per cent market share across the EU next year, as automakers race to meet emission targets
UK's largest bus operator provides electric charging to Renault Trucks' flagship vehicle on last UK stop of 10,000km eHGV roadshow
Fresh research reveals that PHEVs can emit much more CO2 than their manufacturers claim, prompting calls for subsidy and tax reforms to help nudge drivers towards cleaner EVs
What will it take to get to 'car-to-car' recycling?
New action group HGVzero will see leaders in logistics co-develop solutions to help accelerate adoption of sero emission HGVs
Dual boost for European EV market, as leading auto giants beef up charging infrastructure plans
Carmaker vows to make France a "centre of excellence" for electric vehicles with investment in four production sites
Carmaker has partnered with local electricity provider EEM to launch project to turn Porto Santo into a 'smart fossil free island' using EVs, battery storage, and renewables
French auto giant will today officially open its first Electric Vehicle Experience Centre in Stockholm, ahead of European roll out plans