Northern Powergrid launches pioneering smart grid trial, where electric vans replace diesel generators as back up power supplies
Ingka Group now wants to fuel its retail operations entirely from renewables by 2025, and phase out fossil fuel-based heating and cooling by 2030
Lower emissions from the health service will not only benefit the climate but also offer greater therapeutic value to patients and help to aid recovery, Labour says
After stalling last year, installations of renewable energy capacity are expected to grow by almost 12 per cent in 2019
The cost of renewable technologies will be slashed over the next few decades, according to Norwegian renewable energy giant Statkraft
VAT on household solar and storage is due to rise from five to 20 per cent on October 1
Latest UN report on progress towards Sustainable Development Goals warns climate change is eroding the key pillars that drive global development
Renewable energy investment in China fell by 39 per cent through the first half of 2019, but massive solar and offshore wind investments in Dubai and Taiwan signpost the way to future growth
Renewables employment hits highest ever level despite slowdown in China
91 MPs have signed a letter urging Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry to introduce new policies to support wave and tidal stream technologies