New report warns UK risks missing 2030 low carbon heat goals without concerted action
Geothermal Engineering reveals plans to install 10 small wells across the UK to provide renewable heat to communities and housing projects
Neil Eckert of Aggregated Micro Power explains how his business is aiming to expand the renewable heat market
Statistics suggest Green Deal scheme is starting to pick up steam with 20 per cent rise in live finance plans during last month
BusinessGreen Leaders fast-track company of 2014 may have recorded stellar growth, but it knows the renewable heat industry still has a long way to go
DECC confirms exemptions for Timber Standard for arboricutural residues and land restoration projects
There are now over 4,900 commercial wood heat systems accredited under the Renewable Heat Incentive
Government launches RHI calculator to encourage uptake of renewable heat technologies
Major project to supply nearly 5,000MWh of clean energy to Nocton Nurseries in a bid to slash carbon emissions
Letter from Climate Change Minister Gregory Barker promises "bright and sustainable future for the biomethane to grid industry"