Technology can save some homeowners up to £3,000 a year and pay for itself inside a decade, report finds
Institution puts £20m towards 15.8MW Evermore Renewable Energy project in Derry/Londonderry
Climate Minister Greg Barker cuts ribbon on supermarket giant's latest ground source heat pump
Nearly 50 social landlords secure £7m of funding to roll out heat pumps and biomass boilers to tenants across the UK
Tom Bainbridge of BusinessGreen Law Firm of the Year Nabarro outlines how new contracts are helping to enable clean tech deployments
Cheshire East Council agrees to investigate geothermal power potential to help bring down energy bills and boost economic growth
Bank's first investment in Scotland backs £1.2m biomass boiler project at Tomatin Distillery near Inverness
Big boost for solar thermal, biomass and heat pump technologies as long-awaited tariff levels announced
Incentives for businesses installing heat pumps, large biomass boilers, or solar thermal technologies to increase significantly
Value of vouchers raised for four key technologies as government looks to link renewable heat scheme with Green Deal