Norwegian capital's new 'climate budget' includes plans to slash emissions from cars, homes and businesses
Energy and Climate Change Committee calls on government to take urgent action to accelerate rollout of renewable heat and transport technologies
Policy Exchange's Richard Howard argues it is time to fire up a more cost effective green heat strategy
Edd Johnson of Roythornes Solicitors warns recent changes to the RHI could undermine the roll out of green technologies across the farming sector
It could be regional centres - rather than national government - that lead the way on low-carbon development, suggests Ashden's Simon Brammer
Future Biogas Ltd gains funding towards 2.2MW Stud Farm AD plant, which is set to open towards end of 2017
Egg producer has commissioned German firm Weltec Biopower to build a pioneering 800kW biogas plant
299MW plant will generate enough electricity to power around 600,000 homes
Renewable Energy Association claims changes could damage investor confidence and put new CHP biomass projects at risk
New anaerobic digestion project will see Veolia use R&R Ice Cream's waste by-products to produce biomethane