Group of academics, campaigners and politicians warn against delaying plastic pollution crackdowns in US and UK
Government delays implementation of single-use plastic ban until October 2020, citing coronavirus disruption
Bright Blue's Patrick Hall sets out four immediate actions the government should take to combat plastic waste
Environmental groups and green businesses broadly welcome strategy, which aims to 'make sustainable products the norm'
Supermarket claims engaging with its suppliers and customers has been key to reducing plastic from own-brand products
Ban on single-use plastic items aims to 'strike the right balance' between green benefits and disability rights, government says
Jo Gilroy is head of sustainability and environment at Kier Group
Visual imagery is increasingly influential in shaping consumer perceptions, the research from Getty Images shows
SC Johnson is partnering with the Milwaukee Brewers for its latest plastic-busting initative
Hubbub's Trewin Restorick asks the burning question on plastic waste