Social Market Foundation calls for locational electricity pricing, planning reform, and major acceleration in nuclear development to enable rapid development of AI data centres
Public support for net zero goals remains strong, but fresh polling suggests many people feel the transition is happening to them, rather than with them
Van and commercial fleet operators keen to make EV switch urge government to address high upfront costs and lack of charge points
Social Market Foundation report argues French system of leasing EVs can improve access to transport and drive down emissions
Think tank finds almost 80 per cent of landlords want stricter energy efficiency rules on their properties, including raising minimum standards on rental properties
Social Market Foundation argues landmark legislation has delivered positive economic environment for UK manufacturers – but warns opportunities will be lost without more ambitious policy
Study from Social Market Foundation warns many homes on heat networks are facing soaring bills, poor energy efficiency, and weak consumer protection
Social Market Foundation warns lack of action from government could see UK lose out to international competitors as demand for alternative meats accelerates
New report from Social Market Foundation argues shift towards road-pricing would prove more effective than fuel duty and could help tackle cost of living crisis
UK financial services sector critical to meeting climate goals but more support is needed, Social Market Foundation report argues