But supporters fall short of votes needed to overturn promised Presidential veto
President uses State of the Union to warn that he will not let Congress turn back the clock on climate action
'If this bill passes this Congress, the president wouldn’t sign it'
President gives clearest indication yet that he is deeply sceptical about case for controversial tar sands pipeline
MEPs fail to overturn Commission plans that would effectively consider oil from tar sands the same as standard petrol or diesel
Bill just fails to secure the 60 votes it needed to pass, but second Senate push could be made in the New Year
Controversial bill supporting project will be debated in the Senate after winning House approval, but President is expected to veto it
Carbon Tracker says under pressure oil companies will soon look to cut capital-intense projects with high break-even points
Campaign groups blame industry lobbying as Commission proposes less taxing regime for carbon-intense fuel
Companies and activists alike are working to make processes like fracking and tar sands oil production more environmentally responsible - should we beat them up or cheer them on?