New research warns around $2tr investment each year - double current trends - is needed to deliver on the COP28 goal of tripling global renewables capacity by 2030
Report on role at COP28 praises UK contribution, but warns leadership on the international stage is being undermined by mixed messages at home
World Economic Forum and PwC report sets out host of energy efficiency actions it claims are 'doable today, at attractive returns with no need for new technology'
Company says latest funding injection will help it accelerate renewables roll out in support of COP28 commitments
Leading sustainability executives welcome landmark COP28 deal, but warn significant investment gaps remain
BusinessGreen rounds up the key pledges and statements adopted as part of the landmark UAE Consensus declaration today, and assesses what they could mean for the green economy
The attempt to brand the UAE Consensus as a success or failure misses the point - its impact depends on what governments and businesses do next
Business leaders and environmental campaigners reflect on landmark COP28 deal that provides 'a climate-action lifeline, not a finish line'
Historic agreement gavelled through minutes after final plenary starts at COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai