What business leaders should be looking out for at the Marrakesh climate summit
UNFCCC climate chief Patricia Espinosa says Agreement's early entry into force ramps up pressure on negotiators to complete treaty's rulebook as quickly as possible
Delegates from 24 nations and the EU vote unanimously to make the Ross Sea a Marine Protected Area after five years of negotiations
Author of influential Stern Review on economics of climate change argues action to tackle climate risks is now better framed as an 'attractive growth story'
New analysis from S&P suggests airlines could be in line for 'significant added costs' over the long term if decarbonisation plans fail to take off
Governments agree to crack down on HFC use through revision to Montreal Protocol
Introducing sustainable business models across food and agriculture sectors in line with the Sustainable Development Goals could generate 80 million jobs and deliver a sevenfold return on investment, new research shows
The aviation deal is a step in the right direction, but needs an explicit link to the Paris Agreement goals and a credible offsetting system to really set the industry on a climate-friendly flight path
BusinessGreen rounds up all the industry reaction to the ICAO deal to limit aviation emissions