Global or regional agreements are vital for cross-border problems such as pollution and wildlife crime, says new environment chief, Erik Solheim
Outgoing UNFCCC chief thanks supporters on her last day in the office
Outgoing UN climate chief argues there is no need to change the UK and the EU's leading role in tackling climate change
Major report estimates current committed business contribution to emissions cuts by 2030 at 3.7 billion metric tonnes per year
EU Covenant of Mayors and the UN-backed Compact of Mayors merge to form the new Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
ECIU's Richard Black reflects on the first six months of the new era of global climate action
In one of her final interviews as UN climate chief, Christiana Figueres reveals why she believes the world has turned a corner in the fight against climate action - and why businesses are now seeing climate action as an opportunity
EXCLUSIVE: Outgoing UN climate chief suggests Trump administration would face rebellion from US businesses if it attempted to remove US from Paris climate agreement
Former UN and World Bank official argues transparency key to corporate credibility in wake of Panama Papers and VW emissions scandals
UN-appointed "climate champions" Laurence Tubiana and Hakima El Haite call on governments and businesses to deliver low-emission development strategies for 2050