Defra says changes to e-waste rules will ensure online suppliers pay 'fair share' towards costs of collection and recycling
New figures reveal there have been over 1,200 battery fires in bin lorries and at waste sites in the UK over the past 12 months
Reuse sector launches new guidance designed to tackle e-waste mountain and increase rate of re-use
Campaigners warn widespread failure to recycle and reuse business electronics waste safely is undermining climate goals
Around 500,000 tonnes of valuable electricals lost, binned, hoarded or stolen in the UK last year, research suggests
Old electricals and electronics are the world's fastest growing waste stream, despite the many valuable metals they contain, explains Scott Butler from Material Focus
Up to £5m of interest-free loans for electrical waste treatment facilities and £600,000 of grants for charity-sector reuse organisations are now up for grabs
Nigel Harvey, boss at recycling compliance operator Recolight, arrested in bid to highlight scale of climate emergency
WEEE Fund aims to make it easier for people to reuse small electricals which too often end up in bins or are recycled incorrectly
We need to foster a culture of data husbandry and security if we are to maintain consumer trust in the reuse and recycling of electronics