Engineering firm's latest pilot project promises to enable full recovery of a building's components at end of life
New additions to Courtauld Commitment mean 95 per cent of food retail market now signed up to voluntary waste reduction initiative
The British public will welcome more consistency in the UK's recycling system so long as they understand the benefits it brings, argues Green Alliance's Jonny Hazell
Government to tackle 'throwaway culture' by cutting VAT on fixing everything from bicycles to washing machines
Legislation requires food sellers and manufacturers to source biodegradable cooking utensils
Start-up BioCellection is negotiating for the first commercial use of its polystyrene recycling technology
Google already diverts 86 per cent of its data centre waste away from landfill
WRAP has unveiled guidelines to improve consistency of England's recycling collections, but will it be enough to boost recycling rates?
Industry and government-backed guidelines set out three core collection systems aimed at boosting quantity and quality of recycling
Two new surveys reveal the finer details of British recycling and food-saving habits, but what can businesses learn from them?