New research from University of Bath suggests old coffee grinds could be collected to make biodiesel
New online tool will offer recipes to help customers take advantage of left over ingredients
WRAP's Dr Richard Swannell reveals the true, scandalous scale of the food waste crisis - and what we can all do about it
Waitrose to offer bag of tomatoes either fallen naturally or misshapen as a drive to cut waste of edible food
Plans include pilot of Newlight's AirCarbon material and a desktop computer containing a minimum of 10 per cent post-consumer recycled plastic
The Mount prison opens new refurbishment centre which aims to retrain inmates while cutting the environmental impact of old computers
New project to boost region's plastic recycling capacity by 75,000 tons a year
Used coffee grounds collected from Tokyo outlets is being recycled into feed for dairy cows
It may come at a cost, but HP's decision to deliver ink cartridges containing recycled material means it is hedging against future resource price rises
Retailer launches Frisbee made of recycled plastic cleared from UK beaches