Simple technique could see excess wind energy stored as heat and converted back to electricity using a steam turbine
Energy Technologies Institute argues small modular reactors capable of delivering clean power and heat could be in place by 2030 if the right policy framework is put in place
GlobalData analysis argues biopower capacity is set to skyrocket from its current 106GW over the next 10 years
Connected device aims to help motorists drive in a more environmentally friendly way
New investor coalition warns of financial risk of over reliance on unsustainable animal production
Proposals from Green Alliance and the National Trust set out how a market-based mechanism for agricultural subsidies could deliver a host of environmental benefits
Councillors are set to decide in the next week whether to allow IGas to drill two exploratory wells
Financial close reached for Sanquhar Community Wind Farm that is set to supply Nestlé UK operations
WindEurope argues EU should raise its renewables target to 30 per cent by 2030 if it wants to remain a global wind industry hub
The old joke suggests nuclear fusion is always 30 years away, but undeterred a British firm is now working to connect a nuclear fusion reactor to the grid by 2030