New grant aims to unlock match funding that would make the Scottish port the first in the UK to make floating offshore wind turbines at scale
New Offshore Wind Environmental Improvement Package to paint turbines black and monitor noise impact of piling on marine mammals
Plans from Bute Energy and Green GEN Cymru to build 10 wind farms and more than 300 kilometres of grid infrastructure in Wales have received a £600m boost
Oil and gas giant poised to scrap plans to increase renewable energy generation 20-fold this decade, Reuters reports
UK grid operator announces deal that will see it sell Stateside renewables business to Canadian investment giant
Government proposes longer CfD contract terms and less stringent offshore wind eligibility criteria in order to boost investor certainty and accelerate the planning process for new clean power projects
Service offering members of the public the chance to co-own renewables projects enjoys surge in demand for first two wind turbines on the platform in Yorkshire and Wales
Renewable energy firm reveals landmark year for corporate Power Purchase Agreements, after agreeing 10 deals spanning three continents last year
Bonus scheme designed to reward offshore wind developers that invest in job-creating low carbon factories and associated infrastructure
RenewableUK warns 5GW of offshore wind farm capacity is approaching the end of its scheduled life, but there is an opportunity to keep projects operating for longer