Parliament approves plan to move towards competitive auctions and caps on deployment of wind energy
German chancellor hopes for quick parliamentary approval of nation's climate plan
Photovoltaics and wind energy now have such a large head start that no other low-emission generation technology has a reasonable prospect of catching them, argues Andrew Blakers
New funding from nine offshore wind developers aims to boost cost-cutting wind energy innovations
Recycling firm teams up with Ricardo to assess performance of Plaxx fuel as replacement for heavy fuel oil and diesel
AW-Energy has plans to install a full-scale 350kW version of its wave energy device in Portugal next year
Danish wind turbine manufacturer set to supply 49 turbines to 406 MW project
Aldersgate Group event discusses how green businesses can help steer the low carbon economy agenda in a post-Brexit UK
With the government's long-term environment plan due in the coming months, researchers are trying to take stock of whether it is beneficial to put a price on nature
London Mayor's sweeping proposals could usher in an exciting new era of clean air action, as government faces fresh calls to keep EU legal air pollution limits