Senior Labour peers confirm party will seek to strike out clause again if government closes Renewable Obligation scheme
Report quietly published last month shows efforts to cut government's carbon emissions, domestic flights, waste and water usage fell short on all counts
Committee on Climate Change questions ministers' claims of increased investment and urges more spending on defences
Groundbreaking plan to turn London's rubbish into green jet fuel has been abandoned due to a lack of UK government support, airline says
Dong Energy says it is now convinced UK government will back offshore wind power despite recent cuts to renewable energy sector subsidies
Former Labour leader looks to build 'high-ambition coalition' to persuade government to change tack on environment
EU climate chief says that aspirational 1.5C target was put into Paris climate deal at insistence of ‘most exposed countries' and will require new strategies
Conservatives' attacks on wind, solar and other 'clean' technologies has undermined ability to meet CO2 targets, experts say
Leading scientists and former ministers say the country has undermined its record as a world leader on climate change and is 'moving backwards'
Richard Black explores how even without an international deal a new approach for curbing emissions through regional alliances could reshape the climate policy landscape