Green Hydrogen Organisation launches new push to deliver global green hydrogen standard
New analysis suggests UK industry could require 10TWh of green hydrogen by 2030, rising to nearly 40TWh by 2050
Chemicals giant announces plans to ramp up investment in new electrolysis infrastructure at a number of its European sites
But agency calls on policymakers to ramp up green policies and investments, noting that existing decarbonisation pledges still leave the world on track for dangerously escalating climate impacts
Energy firm sets goal for 80 per cent domestic materials and services during construction phase for its BECCS technology in North Yorkshire
Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme sees 24 projects share £4m of funding
Project is one of a number of key investments at the site that aim to push down low carbon energy costs, as it looks to advance deployment of 'carbon negative' technologies
North Yorkshire power plant once dependent on 10 million tonnes of coal annually now produces 12 per cent of UK’s renewable electricity, according to Drax Group
National Infrastructure Commission urges government to act quickly to drive development of first wave of BECCS and DACS plants, arguing carbon removals will be a cornerstone of the UK's future economy
Energy Transitions Commission provides guidance on availability and use of biomass, warning sustainable sources are limited in volume worldwide