New auction scheme to provide payments to offshore wind developers who take steps to boost domestic supply chains and invest in more sustainable factories
RenewableUK welcomes milestone, but slams 'nine years of lost progress' since de-facto ban on new onshore wind projects came into force in England
The government has promised £800m for offshore wind in this year's CfD auction, but industry figures fear the budget is insufficient to meet 2030 renewables targets - and could put climate goals at risk
Experts warn next auction round likely to leave the UK badly off track to meet its target of 50GW of new offshore wind capacity by 2030
Number of marine and offshore wind research programmes undertaken by OWEC rises to 35, with further schemes in the pipeline as part of £62m deployment
Dogger Bank D wind farm confirms plans for connection of new 400KV substation in East Riding of Yorkshire as part of National Grid 'Great Grid Upgrade'
The Chancellor must focus investment in projects, supply chain, ports and skills to drive forward the UK's energy transition, argues RenewableUK's Lucinda Tonge
Research outlines myriad benefits of pairing community energy projects with a local roll out of heat pump technologies
Trade body urges government to be 'ambitious' in setting parameters and budget for this summer's clean power contracts auction after last year's round attracted zero offshore wind bids
Giant Khavda renewables projects comes online in India, Switzerland calls for UN group for solar geo-engineering, and Google and HSBC team up for clean tech drive