Environment Agency publishes update to key directory detailing how woodland can slow flood waters by up to 50 per cent, while delivering multiple co-benefits
Firms claim acquisition will allow them to offer more sector-specific solutions to help firms deliver on their net zero goals
JUST Stories Database aims to provide policymakers and businesses with examples of projects that marry decarbonisation and efforts to advance human rights
The latest record-breaking heat will have alarm bells ringing over the way rising temperatures appear to be 'overwhelming' natural climate cycles
Openreach's head of sustainability reflects on turning the UK's second biggest commercial van fleet electric, 'greener' treatments for telegraph poles, and why the time has come to listen to young people on climate
'First-of-its-kind' complaint against WPP argues firm should not make climate pledges while helping to promote the world's most polluting companies
Damage to homes and businesses from extreme weather events is leading to rising pay outs as the climate crisis intensifies, the latest data shows
Science Based Targets initiative provides update on consultation process for hotly-anticipated revisions to its flagship Net Zero Corporate Standard
Salesforce, Hugging Face, Cohere, and Carnegie Mellon University launch public ratings for more than 200 commonly-used AI models
EV lobby group urges advertising watchdog to tackle 'alphabet soup' of terms used for different electrified vehicles, including questionable claims about 'self-charging hybrids'